National News
Students march in London and Manchester
THOUSANDS of students and trade unionists took to the streets of central London and Manchester last Saturday in a continuation of the protests at rising tuition fees, the abolition of Education Maintenance Allowance and cuts in general that hit the headlines in the last weeks of 2010.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
The role of the Red Army in ending the Holocaust
by New Worker correspondent
SEVERAL hundred people gathered last Thursday 27th January at the Imperial War Museum to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.
The event began inside the museum’s cinema with a presentation called “Untold Stories”. This included a short film of the history of the Holocaust during which the Nazi regime turned cold-blooded murder of millions into an industrial process.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
Citizens Advice offices face closure
BIRMINGHAM council is to withdraw funding from the city’s five Citizens Advice offices and across the country 900 debt advisers are to be made redundant as council cuts start to hit charities.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
‘The end of the NHS?’
THE MEDICAL journal, the Lancet, last week warned we could be seeing the “end of the NHS” as it published a survey of general practitioners that more than half oppose the drastic Con-Dem government reforms.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
Last train to Wrexham
ALL STAFF employed by Wrexham and Shropshire railways last week boarded the final 18.30 service from London Marylebone to Wrexham as corporate greed killed off Britain’s most popular railway.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
Launch of Queers Against the Cuts
by Anton Johnson
LEFT FRONT Art convened a meeting of Queers Against the Cuts on 27th January at the Society for Co-operation in Russian and Soviet Studies Library in London bringing together a diverse group of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) groups and individuals to look at how to get the LGBTQ communities involved in the anti-cuts campaign and see that they are not marginalised within the anti-cuts campaigns.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
International News
What President Obama did not say
Radio Havana Cuba
ALTHOUGH it is too early to give a detailed analysis on the US President’s State of the Union address, some points are obvious, particularly the glaring omissions that could have given more clarity in his recent speech.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
International recognition for Palestine grows
Radio Havana Cuba
WHILE the US at the UN Security Council delays the adoption of a resolution condemning Israel for its crimes against the Palestinian people, many governments across the world have recently recognised the Palestinian State, including the borders set prior to the Zionist occupation of 1967.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
Global crisis
by Rafael Contreras
THE UNITED States, Europe and Japan, the principle powers in the world, are also at the centre of negative results in the midst of the global market crisis.
The depression comes out of the neo-liberal system which makes their economies interdependent, especially the US economy, where the financial bubble burst in mid-2007.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]
Could Pakistan become a theocratic state?
Religion, politics and the working class
by Khalid Bhatti
AFTER the murder of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, many questions have been raised about the future of the country and a possible take over by religious extremist forces. A lot of material has appeared both in the local English media and international press about the rising tide of religious extremism and collapse of liberal and secular layers in Pakistan. Some articles even gave the impression that whole country is in the grip of religious bigotry and the entire liberal and secular layers have been silenced.
This impression is wrong and is an exaggeration of the current situation.
[Read the complete story in the print edition]