Lead story

Libya:‘recall UN Security Council’

by our Arab Affairs correspondent

LIBYA is urging Russia to call an emergency session of the UN Security Council meeting to halt the continuing NATO onslaught, which this week included an attempt to kill the Libyan leader in an air attack on his Tripoli compound.

Read the full story here >> [ Libya: 'recall UN Security Council' ]

Fighting for safety at work

by Daphne Liddle

WORKERS throughout the world held events on Thursday 26th April to commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day — the day when we remember those who have died through accident of illness caused by the work they have to do to earn a living — and campaign for improved health and safety for the living.

Read the full story here >> [ Fighting for safety at work ]

The American Civil War the Blue and the Grey, the Black and the White

by Ray Jones

ON THE 150th anniversary of the American Civil War there have been a number of articles on this important event in world history. So it’s important to review it as historians and pundits try to falsify history yet again.

Read the full story here >> [ The American Civil War ]


A Travesty of Justice

ANY DOUBTS about the real nature of Guantánamo Bay were dispelled last week with the WikiLeaks release of more than 700 secret US documents that provide intelligence assessments of nearly all those detained when the Americans invaded Afghanistan.

Read the full story here >> [ A Travesty of Justice ]