Lead story

Tax the rich to save jobs

by Daphne Liddle

UNEMPLOYMENT is set to soar during the summer months by 100,000, according to a report from the IPPR think tank published last week.

Meanwhile Chancellor George Osborne is fooling no one with his pretence that he is shocked that his very wealthy friends succeed in legally avoiding paying much tax at all.

Read the full story here >> [ Tax the rich to save jobs ]

Palestine appeal to UN

THE PLIGHT of Palestine has dropped out of the headlines as the world’s media is focussed on Syria and the Far East but Israeli incursions into the occupied West bank are accelerating, prompting an appeal from Palestine to the United Nations Security Council.

Read the full story here >> [ Palestine appeal to UN ]


Church and State

OUTGOING Archbishop Rowan Williams last Sunday delivered his parting message to the country with a call to revive the status of Religious Education in schools and then complained of a campaign of “militant secularism”. The term is an oxymoron. There is no policy more liberal, peaceful or tolerant than secularism. It gives equal status to all beliefs and philosophies and calls for their followers to live peacefully alongside each other in mutual respect, with none lording it over

Read the full story here >> [ Church and State ]