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Unions declare war on austerity

by Daphne Liddle

BRITAIN is now once again in recession; the double dip has happened. Even fellow imperialists like US President Obama and Christine Largarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, have tried to advise Prime Minister Cameron and Chancellor Osborne that too much austerity, too many cuts, are preventing an economic recovery in Britain.

Read the full story here >> [ Unions declare war on austerity ]

Nato summit gives ‘few tangible results’

by Zhu Zhu, Yang Jian and Wang Fengfeng in Chicago

NATO leaders reached consensus at a summit here on closely-watched issues such as missile shield capabilities and military operations in Afghanistan.

Read the full story here >> [ Nato summit gives ‘few tangible results’ ]


Peoples of Europe rise up!

THE HEADS of the G8 nations meeting in America last weekend decided that Greece must be urged to stay inside the Eurozone and renegotiate its debts yet again. The costs to the world’s bankers if Greece leaves the Eurozone would be counted in trillions and, as far as the imperialist ruling class of this planet is concerned that must not be allowed to happen. Other struggling countries like Italy, Spain and Ireland would be likely to follow and the euro would collapse as a currency.

Read the full story here >> [ Peoples of Europe rise up!]