Lead story

Tories shuffle to the right

by Daphne Liddle

DAVID Cameron is desperate. The popularity of his Con-Dem Coalition is plummeting and the state of the economy is getting worse. So he has reshuffled his Cabinet, taking it further to the right with fewer women, fewer from ethnic minorities and fewer Liberal Democrats.

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Syria: the West is seeking pretexts

by our Arab Affairs correspondent

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has called for support for renewed United Nations efforts to end the fighting in Syria at the UN General Assembly this week. The UN chief urged member states to back the new joint UN and Arab League envoy on the Syrian crisis, Lakhdar Brahimi, as he takes up the mission following Kofi Annan’s resignation.

Read the full story here >> [ Syria: the West is seeking pretexts ]


Fit for what?

THE MOOD among contestants and spectators at the Paralympic games last Monday was great; every athlete was being cheered by the whole crowd and every medal ceremony was a moment to remember. That is until an announcement saying that George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was going to present the next set of medals. Cheers instantly gave way to loud boos from the whole crowd. Osborne tried to laugh it off but as the jeering continued he looked decidedly uneasy.

Read the full story here >> [ Fit for what? ]