Lead story

Cameron’s Empty words

by Daphne Liddle

THE QUEEN on Wednesday morning delivered David Cameron’s announcement of his intentions in the coming parliamentary session — a programme full of buzzwords, clichés and pandering to racist scapegoating that will change very little in the coming months as the next general election looms nearer.

Read the full story here >> [ Cameron’s Empty words ]

Bruce Kent launches new anti-Trident campaign

by Eric Trevett

THE VETERAN peace campaigner Bruce Kent has started a new campaign with the aim of cancelling the Trident nuclear weapons system and its proposed replacement.

Read the full story here >> [ New anti-Trident campaign ]


Local elections and national worries

THE BOURGEOIS media have concentrated on the spectacular surge in the fortunes of the maverick Tory United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in last week’s local elections in England and Wales, largely because UKIP’s gains were at the expense of the Conservatives and their Liberal Democrat allies. Not so much has been said about Labour’s stolid advance despite the Tory frenzy around the funeral of Margaret Thatcher and the inept leadership of Ed Miliband.

Read the full story here >> [ Local elections and national worries ]