Lead story

A bonfire of austerity

by Daphne Liddle

HUNDREDS of thousands of protesters throughout the world marched last Tuesday in a worldwide “million-mask” protest against austerity, initiated by the Anonymous movement.

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FBU anger as Government hardens stance

THE FIRE Brigades Union staged another two two-hour strikes, one on Friday and one last Monday, as the Government withdrew some minor concessions it has made towards a settlement in the bitter dispute over pensions and retirement age

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After Grangemouth

SCOTTISH workers have suffered a terrible blow in Grangemouth. The Swiss-based Ineos Group that owns the chemicals plant and oil refinery on the River Forth has forced the union to accept draconian terms under threat of closure while extorting millions from the Scottish government and Westminster to guarantee continued production.

Read the full story here >> [ After Grangemouth ]