The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 6th October 2017

The Fighting Fund

We needed to raise a lot of money to hit our target last week. We got £1,057 — a magnificent effort which gave us a grand total of £2,997 but sadly still £503 short of our £3,500 target.

Many thanks to all that helped us on our way last week including the regulars whose bankers orders are the foundations of our fund-raising efforts as well as the readers who top up their sub renewals like the Stoke-on-Trent reader who gave us £4 and another from Carlisle who sent in £8.

The October fighting fund appeal starts now. All contributions, big or small, help us pay the bills and keep our communist press going. We fight for peace and socialism. Help speed the day by sending your donations to

Alternatively send a cheque or postal order with your donation to:
New Worker
PO Box 73
SW11 2PQ