Lead story
May must go - Tories must go
by Daphne Liddle
THERESA May stumbles on, and despite being in charge of a minority government with little power she and her Cabinet are continuing to wreak havoc to the fabric of this country and to the peace and safety of the world.
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May must go - Tories must go
Post workers set to strike
POST WORKERS defeated new Tory anti-union laws by winning a vote for strike with an 89.1 per cent majority on a turnout of 73 per cent turnout, in a dispute over pension rights, wages and job security.
But in spite of this fantastic result the privatised Royal Mail is still trying to secure a court injunction to stop the 48-hour strike planned to start on 19th October — on the grounds that the Communication Workers Union (CWU) refused to call off the strike by a deadline of Monday this week to begin talks.
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Post workers set to strike