The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 9th February 2018

Lead story

Syrian Kurds halt Turkish advance!

by our Arab Affairs correspondent

KURDISH guerrillas are continuing to hold the line against the invading Turkish army in the autonomous Kurdish canton of Afrin in northern Syria. Thousands of Kurdish militias are pouring into Afrin to help the partisans trying to halt the Turkish incursion into the Kurdish-run Syrian province. Russian commandos are reported to be operating behind the lines in the hunt for the hand-held missiles (MANPADS) that Islamic terrorists used to down one of their warplanes in northern Syria.

Read the full story here >> Syrian Kurds halt Turkish advance!

60,000 march to save the NHS

MORE than 60,000 people braved cold and rain and crammed into Gower Street in central London for the start of a massive protest march to Whitehall to demand that the Government must fund the NHS properly and halt the privatisation of NHS services.

Read the full story here >> 60,000 march to save the NHS


Remember Stalingrad

On 2nd February, 1943 the German 6th Army surrendered to Soviet forces in Stalingrad. Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941 dreaming of world domination. Hitler’s hopes died in the city on the Volga river.

After the war the city of Stalingrad became a world-wide symbol of anti-fascist resistance but in 1961 the Khrushchev government changed the city’s name to Volgograd as part of the revisionist attack on the legacy of Joseph Stalin. But in 2013 the city council agreed to restore the name “Hero City Stalingrad” for the nine anti-fascist commemorations that are held annually throughout the year. This year Russian president Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremonies that marked the 75th anniversary of the epic battle on 2nd February 1943.

Read the full editorial here >> Remember Stalingrad