The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 27th July 2018

The Fighting Fund

This week’s fighting fund received a magnificent boost from comrades in Richmond and Kingston who donated £2,000 in memory of Harry Danvers, a founder member of the New Communist Party and tireless supporter of socialism. We also received a further £330 which included £15 from a reader in Carlisle, a tenner from a Korean Friendship Association supporter in London and a fiver from an old friend in York. It all adds up to £2,330 which pushes the running total to £3,449. We now need just £51 to hit our target for July! The New Worker is the pivot of all our work and we depend of the dedication and sacrifice of our readers to keep us going, as comrades and friends have done since our communist paper was founded back in 1977.

Donations, big or small, all count in the struggle to hit our £3,500 monthly target. Help us on our way by sending your donation to: New Worker Fund, PO Box 73 London SW11 2PQ. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to the “New Worker”. You can also use your credit or debit card to send contributions here:

Alternatively send a cheque or postal order with your donation to:
New Worker
PO Box 73
SW11 2PQ