The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 10th August 2018

The Fighting Fund

We had a bumper post bag this week with donations and bankers’ order payments that came to a stomping £1,354. The running total for August now stands at £1,834. But we still need to raise £1,665 to hit our £3,500 target by the end of the month.

The New Worker fighting fund is underwritten by the regular bankers’ order and PayPal donations as well as the cheques and postal orders sent in the post by our readers and supporters. Big or small it all counts. This week Southall comrades raised £15 at their meeting last weekend and a Carlisle supporter added an extra £6 to his sub renewal. Socialism is the only way out of the crisis and we need a bigger voice to put the communist answer back on the agenda throughout the labour movement.

Our paper relies on the dedication and sacrifice of our readers to keep us going, as comrades and friends have done since our communist paper was founded back in 1977.

If you believe in peace and socialism, and you must do if you are reading this, please send your cheque or postal order to: New Worker Fund, PO Box 73 London SW11 2PQ. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to the “New Worker”. You can also use your credit or debit card to send contributions here:

Alternatively send a cheque or postal order with your donation to:
New Worker
PO Box 73
SW11 2PQ