The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 21st September 2018
The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 21st September 2018
This week’s postbag contained £20 from a York supporter, another score from a comrade in Suffolk and £15 raised by Southall comrades at their last cell meeting. All in all we raised £573 for the fighting fund pushing the running total to £1,390 for September.
The fighting fund keeps our presses rolling to print the New Worker that helps put the case for communism back on the streets, factories, offices and estates up and down the country. We need even more money to organise meetings, demonstrations and pickets and maintain our national website as well as the London blogs that maintain the NCP’s presence on the Web. We depend on the time, effort and sacrifice of our supporters to keep our suppliers happy and our press rolling. We need money to maintain the below-cost price of the paper to ensure it reaches the widest possible audience.
Make sure that the New Worker comes out every week to fight for a Labour victory at the next general election; peace and socialism at home and across the world.
Every donation, big or small, counts. Please send yours to:
Alternatively send a cheque or postal order with your donation to:
New Worker
PO Box 73
SW11 2PQ