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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

The Fighting Fund

The first week of the September appeal got off to a sluggish start with just £375 in the bag which means we’ve got a long way to go to hit our £3,500 target for the month.

This is no time for complacency. The Brexit crisis has taken a new if not unpredictable turn with the proroguing of Parliament. The Remainers are using it to try and thwart the people’s decision in 2016 to leave the European Union. Everything we’ve feared has come to pass. But it’s not over yet. The struggle against the Remainers within the labour movement goes on and our communist weekly plays a vital role in getting the left Leave argument across.We don’t want a “People’s Vote”. We want a People’s Government. We want an end to austerity and the restoration of the “Welfare State” that the labour movement fought to set up in the 1940s.

We fight for peace and socialism. We counter the fake news of the BBC and the rest of the bourgeois media that tries to tell us what to think and whom to obey.

But we can only do it with your help. Your contribution is vital. Send it to