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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

Lead story

Boris should go!

by New Worker correspondent

BORIS JOHNSON returned to London this week amidst renewed calls for his resignation following the Supreme Court’s decision to rule the suspension of Parliament unlawful. The unanimous Supreme Court ruling was that the Prime Minister had acted wrongly when he asked the Queen to suspend, or prorogue, Parliament and that his order was “void and of no effect”.

Read the full story here >> Boris should go!

Grenfell Towers revisited

by New Worker correspondent

THE fire Brigades Union (FBU) has firmly blamed every government since the Thatcher era for the Grenfell Tower fire. This is the main thrust of a new pamphlet by the union that was launched at Labour Party conference in Brighton this week.

Read the full story here >> Grenfell Towers revisited


Fun and Games in Brighton

THE SPIRIT of Labour Party Conference returned to Brighton this week. The good old days of open debate and factional back-stabbing may not have totally returned but the sterile bureaucratic agenda that made Conference a meaningless charade in the days of Blair and Brown has gone, hopefully for good this time.

Labour Conference has never been the sovereign body of the Party and its decisions can be, and have been, regularly ignored or side-lined by Labour Governments and the Parliamentary Labour Party, which, until recently, was a rule unto itself. Nevertheless, Conference endorsed calls for the repeal of the anti-union laws, the restoration of some but not all of the old public sector, the raising of the national minimum wage and the introduction of a four-day week within 10 years.

Read the full story here >> Fun and Games in Brighton