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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

Lead story

‘A once in a Generation Election’

by New Worker correspondent

CAMPAIGNING has begun in earnest for the December election with the Tories still well ahead in the opinion polls but Labour continuing to catch up largely at the expense of the Liberal Democrats and the other minor parties. Jeremy Corbyn clearly got the better of Boris Johnson in the first TV debate of the election campaign on Tuesday and Twitter has condemned the Tory campaign centre for briefly renaming its account “factcheckUK” to circulate a series of misleading anti-Labour Tweets following the televised debate.

Read the full story here >> ‘A once in a Generation Election’

Election Special

by our Scottish political affairs correspondent

THE PHONY war is over and the General Election is now well underway with all the troops in position and taking pot shots at each other, particularly about embarrassing social media posts made before they had their 15 minutes of fame.

Read the full story here >> Election Special

The wrong ballot result

by New Worker correspondent

AS THE previous New Worker was journeying through the postal system it was announced that a judge in the High Court had invalidated an overwhelming vote (of 97 per cent on a 75 per cent turnout) for industrial action. After a two-day hearing at the Royal Court of Justice, Mr Justice Swift supported claims by the Royal Mail that the ballot of 110,000 workers was improperly conducted because the Communication Workers Union (CWU) encouraged members to take their voting papers from work before they were delivered to their homes and vote at their workplaces.

Read the full story here >> The wrong ballot result


No Deal Trump not welcome here

DONALD TRUMP’S minions tell the world that their boss is a great negotiator. Trump says in a book that he probably didn’t write that: “Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals.” But what has he actually achieved?

Absolutely nothing. Trump said he was going to make the Mexicans pay for the wall he’s building to keep out illegal immigrants. Well they didn’t.

He unilaterally pulled out of the international nuclear deal with Iran and stepped up sanctions in a bid to force the Iranians to renegotiate on American terms. That didn’t happen.

Despite three meetings with Democratic Korean leader Kim Jong Un on the nuclear issue, Trump’s put nothing concrete on the table and the whole process has stalled. So that’s been a waste of time.

Read the full story here >> No Deal Trump not welcome here