The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 20th December 2019
The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
This week’s mail brought in a further £601 for the fighting fund boosted by a generous £500 donation from a Bristol comrade and a tenner from a supporter in Devon. Post always slows down during the run-up to Christmas so we’re hoping that there’s plenty more in the pipe-line because the December appeal stands at £2,374 and we need a further £1,126 to hit our target for the month.
We need to put the communist answer to the crisis back on the workers’ agenda. We need to make the case for communism throughout the country and the most important part of our arsenal in the New Worker.
If you believe in what we are doing and want to make sure that our voice is heard send a donation to the fighting fund.
Big or small every pound counts in the struggle for peace and socialism. Send yours to: