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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

The Fighting Fund

We had a bumper postbag this week with £1,013 in the bag which gave us a grand total of £3,252 for the August fighting fund. Sadly it was £248 short of our target but let’s see if we can make it up in September!

In the meantime let’s give a big hand to all those who helped us on our way including the Southsea supporter who PayPaled £100 and the Llandudno comrade who transferred £60 over the same way. A Hereford comrade transferred £40 and a Carlisle friend sent in £30. A long standing Essex fund supporter gave us a score and we got £2.50 a Bournemouth reader.

The New Worker is our communist voice. We need to win new readers from our own personal contacts at our work-place and on the street to build up our circulation. Liverpool and London readers should tell their friends our paper is back on sale at Housman’s and News from Nowhere.

The £3,500 monthly appeal for September starts now. Donations, big or small, make our suppliers happy and keep the bailiffs away! All contributions for the cause to: