17th December 2021 Imperialists should beware! Shock Discoveries: The Poor Are Getting Poorer. Deck the halls…

10th December 2021 Putin and Biden face-to-face. Fire-and-Rehire. Pay Battles. Interesting Times. Grovelling to the White House.

3rd December 2021 Belarus will stand by Russia. A disaster in the Channel. A tragedy for Labour. The Threat to World Peace. On and off the road. Socialism, the choice of the Chinese people.

26th November 2021 Alarm bells over the Donbas. Beware the Ides of March. High speed derailment. Unions in education.

19th November 2021 Can Biden be believed? Boris is in trouble. Support the Weetabix strikers! Comrade you have fallen. Take my hand! Defending Cuba!

12th November 2021 Taiwan is part of China. Tory sleaze no surprise. For peace on the Korean peninsula. Bristol’s ‘Wild’ West.

5th November 2021 The west must put its money where its mouth is. All gas and gaiters in Glasgow. More Fire-and-Rehire. Putting the people first. Unite: A new broom at the helm.

29th October 2021 A decent living for all workers! Democracy, accountability and freedom. Army takeover in Sudan. Which way for Labour? Adult fun.

22nd October 2021 Sleep-walking into a deadly winter? For a United Ireland. Action on homelessness in London. Our land – our precious resource.

15th October 2021 China: ‘lift sanctions on Afghanistan’. Class (Room) Warfare. Fighting the fascists in the Swinging Sixties. Bad news on the doorstep. Standing up for Palestine.

8th October 2021 Pandora’s Box: London’s billionaires playground. Crisis? What crisis? On the health front. They did not pass! A Marxist view from India.

1st October 2021 Starmer’s not the one for Labour. Against the cuts in Euston. A new take on an old tale. Brighton rocks…

24th September 2021 Russian Communists protest elections. All in the air. Capitalism on a Ventilator. For a democratic Labour Party.

17th September 2021 US to pull the plug on Saudi war in Yemen. At the TUC. A Test for Peace. A petty move against China.

10th September 2021 China takes the lead – imperialists hold back. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Crimes at sea. Johnson’s new tax is grossly unfair to workers.

3rd September 2021 US leaves a shattered Afghanistan. Pay Progress and Battles. Days of hope in Stuart London. A planned energy policy now!

27th August 2021 ‘US and allies must be held accountable’. BMA – A Venerable Trade Union. Defending Democratic Korea! End of an era. Opportunity knocks.

20th August 2021 Taliban take Kabul. The Class (room) War. The long goodbye. Defend Ken Loach!

13th August 2021 ‘We must keep 1.5 alive’. Thankful for small mercies. Another French connection. End of the road in Afghanistan. Starmer’s gravy train.

6th August 2021 Tension mounts in the Persian Gulf. Local Government and NHS Heroes. British forces out of Ukraine! Health is not a commodity!

30th July 2021 Cuba is not alone! Fire-and-Rehire Special. An anti-vaxxer’s pipedream. Pay the Nurses, fund the NHS.

23rd July 2021 Cuba: with the people, for the people! One down… Football crazy… A call to the world from Beijing. Still Looking Good. 1921 – A vivid panorama of revolution.

2nd July 2021 Get Assange out alive! Marching against austerity. Celebrating China’s victories in London. China: 100 fighting years. Farewell to Alan. Poking the Bear. Another Tory bites the dust.

25th June 2021 Russian fury at NATO’s Black Sea moves. The Working Day. Honouring Kim Jong Il. Doing Time. Stronger together?

18th June 2021 Not a smooth ride for Biden. Battle for Unite begins. A Russian space oddity. Summertime blues.

11th June 2021 Imperialists get together. Low pay nightmares. Health Food Battle. A Renaissance Man. Labour needs new agenda.

4th June 2021 What real change in Israel? Half full or half empty. What a difference a day makes. Where’s the beef?

28th May 2021 Palestinian success but cease-fire is on a knife-edge. On the buses. The tail does not wag the dog.

21st May 2021 Israel continues to pound Gaza! Whose finger on the trigger? Solidarity with Palestine. Britain’s bosses - their loss; our gain.

14th May 2021 Palestine: occupation means resistance. The shape of things to come. Starmer must go. Justice for the Palestinians.

7th May 2021 Saudi’s call for Yemen cease-fire. COVID-19 strikes. On the streets of Southampton. Fight the real fight!

30th April 2021 Israeli police ‘enable pogrom’. Fight for the NHS! Ghosts and middle class angst. A bad week for Boris.

23rd April 2021 Belarus coup plot foiled in Moscow. Action on pay. For a democratic Labour party.

16th April 2021 Corruption is the name of the game. Posh school’s pensions. A Scratched Record. USA out of Ukraine! Easy money? The communist answer.

9th April 2021 Vote Labour in May! On the rails. Biden renews struggle for US dominance.

2nd April 2021 Steel in crisis again! Equal pay victory, sort of. The Untouchables? Trouble north of the border.

26th March 2021 Kill the Police Bill! Better late than never.

19th March 2021 Police bring brutality to Clapham vigil. Tories ahead. Fire and Rehire. The deadly cost of austerity in the Royal Borough of Grenfell. Greece: The Pandemic and the Failing State.

12th March 2021 In every factory and office fight for the unions! Defending imperialism. Defending the NHS. Nurses at war.

5th March 2021 US and Israeli planes on rampage. Putting the boot in. Bailing out the bosses.

26th February 2021 Time to demand answers! Workers Uber the moon. The issue is policy!

19th February 2021 Shady deals at the top: business as usual. In the Amazonian jungle. Nothing to boast about. A Pointless murder? For a better tomorrow.

12th February 2021 Unite and organise for Labour. NHS battles small and large. Early days for Joe Biden.

5th February 2021 Closing the door after the horse has bolted. Budget Blues. Pay cuts for Gas Workers. A jaunt into Saxon England. Retailing and Capitalism.

29th January 2021 Five percent on the dole! Deaths at work. Slow motion disaster.

22nd January 2021 Imperialism puts on liberal clothes again. Trade Unions and COVID. To Lose One Leader… The Serpent. Making things for ourselves.

15th January 2021 Food poverty wars. Jobs sort of saved. Paris: Darkness and Light. What’s wrong with capitalism? Trump goes, ‘normalcy’ returns.

8th January 2021 Attempted coup in Washington. Goodbye to the European Union. Tough at the top. V2: a review.

New Communist Party