Lead story
Imperialism puts on liberal clothes again
WATCHED by an attentive audience of 200,000
wooden poles with flags on them, Joe Biden
achieved the remarkable feat of staying awake
during the entire length of the inauguration ceremony
in Washington that saw him become the 46th
President of the United States of America. Because
his name is not Donald Trump, this changing of
the guard has been welcomed in Britain by the
Telegraph and Mail just as much as his normal
cheerleaders in the Guardian
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Imperialism puts on liberal clothes again
Trade Unions and COVID
This week we focus
on how Britain’s trade
unions are responding
to the impact of the
COVID crisis on both
the workers who have
been laid off by it and
those who have had
to work even harder
than normal because
of it. This response has
been concerned with
both dealing with the
immediate issues and
looking ahead to the
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Trade Unions and COVID
To Lose One Leader…
REVIEW by Theo Russell
OSCAR Wilde’s quip to
the effect that “To lose
one parent, may be regarded
as a misfortune;
to lose both looks like
carelessness” applies in
spades to the leadership
of the Scottish Labour
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To Lose One Leader…
The Serpent
reviewed by Ben Soton
Maybe I am too old,
maybe I was always
boring, but I have
never understood the
attraction of wandering
around Thailand with
a rucksack, smoking
soft drugs and claiming
to be discovering
myself. The Serpent,
BBC1’s latest Sunday
night drama, would put
off the most hardened
backpacker, however.
It is the story of the
fraudster and serial
killer Charles Sobhraj,
played by Tahir Rahman.
Sobhraj, born in
Saigon in 1944, was
the son of a Vietnamese
shop worker and
Indian businessman.
His early years were
arguably a product of
the French colonial rule
in Indo-China.
Read the full story here >>
The Serpent