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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

The Fighting Fund

We return to a printed issue this week, which we celebrate with £400 worth of bankers’ orders, which bring our monthly total so far to £2,125. This leaves us a bit short of our £3,500 monthly target so we hope for a late spurt. Anyone who has missed shelling out on whisky and haggis to celebrate Burns Night on Monday might think that the New Worker is a suitable repository for their money.

Among the donations are £30 from a Bedfordshire reader, £20.00 from a retired engineer and £25 from a Manchester reader. During these dank days readers should do some housework to occupy the time, if any money is found down the side of the sofa you know where to send it. Money can be sent from your computer or mobile phone to:

You can still post cheques and postal orders to the New Worker Fund, PO Box 73, London SW11 2PQ. These should be made payable to the New Worker – but only if you do not have access to a computer or mobile as we do not venture out to the Post Office frequently.