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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

Lead story

Sanctions will not solve conflict in Ukraine

by our European Affairs correspondent

RUSSIAN and Donbas forces are continuing to advance as the Ukrainians withdraw their units from the Donbas whilst stubbornly defending well-fortified positions in the region. Russian missiles have hit military targets in Kiev and other parts of Western Ukraine, including a major military camp near the Polish border.

Read the full story here >> Sanctions will not solve conflict in Ukraine

Academia also

by New Worker correspondent

ON MONDAY the University and College Union (UCU) will once again be balloting for strike action in 149 universities across the country, in its long-term campaign on pensions, pay and working conditions.

Ballots originally took place last October, but under Tory laws the mandates to take industrial action will end on in early May, with disputes unresolved.

Read the full story here >> Academia also


For a just peace in Ukraine

THE CONFLICT in Ukraine has rightly heightened fears of escalation that could take Europe and possibly the world to the brink of nuclear war. But the cause of peace is not helped by those in the anti-war movement who blame the Russians for the crisis, ignore the legitimate demands of the people of the Donbas and fail to recognise that this war began in 2014 when the legitimate Ukrainian government was overthrown by fascist gangs supported by Anglo-American and Franco-German imperialism.

Read the full story here >> For a just peace in Ukraine

What a difference a day makes…

…and a week is a long time in politics – as a former Labour prime minister, the now largely forgotten Harold Wilson, once put it years ago.

A few weeks ago the ‘Partygate’ crisis could have brought Boris Johnson down. Now it has been forgotten – drowned in an avalanche of anti-Russian hysteria in the bourgeois media in support of imperialist sanctions that has led to a Welsh orchestra dropping music by Tchaikovsky from a concert because of the Ukraine war, the possible collapse of Chelsea football club and even the dumping of the Meerkats from a long-standing ad campaign for British financial services.

Read the full story here >> What a difference a day makes…