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The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain

The Fighting Fund

This week’s donations totalled £420, including £30 from Korean solidarity activists and £50 from an American communist, pushing the fighting fund for September up to £2,846. We’re in striking distance of hitting our £3,500 target for the month. Make sure of it by sending in your donations now!

The fight for peace and socialism goes on all round the world – in the people’s democracies on the road of social- ist construction to the freedom fighters in Palestine and Lebanon facing a vicious foe that’s backed by the might of American imperialism. We have to ensure that the communist voice is heard in the struggle that continues in every factory, office and housing estate throughout the land and we can only do that with your help.

With your help we’ve put the communist voice back on the street since 1977. So join us in the fight to guarantee the survival of the New Worker. All donations to: New Worker Fund, PO Box 73, London SW11 2PQ. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to the ‘New Worker’.

To save a stamp you can also use your credit or debit card to send contributions here: