New Communist Party of Britain |
New Communist Party of Britain |
adopted December 2015
According to the Office for National Statistics about one‑fifth of Britain’s population live in rural areas. However an estimated 980,000 households, equivalent to the population of Birmingham, are below the official poverty line (£16,492 a year) and struggling to balance food costs with other essential needs.
Average house prices in rural areas are more than eight times the average income, compared to 6.8 times in the cities. These high values have led to pubs, shops, Post Offices, schools and even churches being converted into houses, tearing the heart out of communities and turning many villages into “dormitories” for wealthy incomers.
Rural housing is a growing problem with a dwindling stock of affordable housing for key workers such as teachers, nurses, police officers and many young people who have grown up in rural areas forced to move out, leaving an ageing population.
At the same time cuts and privatisation have decimated rural transport networks, leading to ever growing dependence on cars and a divide between those with cars and those without.
Many farmers are in crisis and struggling to keep afloat. In the dairy sector, for example, since the Milk Marketing Board was finally dissolved in 2002 and its Scottish counterpart in 2003, many have tied themselves into contracts with supermarket giants and other companies, leaving them at the mercy of arbitrary cuts in prices paid. Farmers without such contracts are even less viable, and there is no protection for other dairy products. Meanwhile the supermarkets, driven by the need for ever more profit, are increasingly selling cheap imported milk from unknown sources.
There are 135,000 workers employed in agriculture and historically it was Agricultural Wages Boards for England and Wales, the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board and the Agricultural Wages Boards for Northern Ireland which provided some protection for these workers. The Coalition government abolished the Board in England and Wales in 2013. The Scottish National Party (SNP) has indicated in 2015 that it would like to abolish the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board. Unite the Union is fighting this plan calling it a ‘race to bottom’ on rural employment rights. The NCP calls
But increasing productivity has led to a sharp drop in full‑time employment and a wave of casualisation in the form of self‑employment, agencies, often illegal “gangmasters”, machinery rings and contractors.
Many British and Irish meat processors supplying Tesco have a permanent two‑tier workforce, with directly employed workers alongside mainly migrant agency workers, who are on even lower pay and worse conditions, and there are some cases of shocking exploitation. But when confronted with detailed evidence Tesco and other major retail chains have failed to take any effective action.