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This site is a collaborative effort of Communist and Workers Parties around the World
Our ultimate goal is a communist humanity, to live in peace and solidarity with itself and in harmony with nature, without classes and without states.
The liberation of the working class must be done by the workers themselves. The working class can emancipate itself only by emancipating all of humanity.
We support the struggles of the working class against capitalist exploitation through the collective action of their trade unions and political parties.
We support the rights of nations against imperialism, including neocolonialism and neoliberal globalization.
We fight for the elimination of oppression in all its forms: militarism, torture, capital punishment, etc.
We support people's and women's movements against racism and gender-based oppression.
We oppose all forms of discrimination and scapegoating against Gays and Lesbians and fully support the fight for their civil rights.
We are for the cultivation of nature by protecting our environment from shortsighted economic exploitation.
We consider that only socialism and ultimately communism will solve the problems of humanity and ensure we have control over our future.