Gold hammer and sickle

New Communist Party of Britain

Stop the judicial and political witch-hunt against Hungarian communists!

We, the undersigned parties note with deep concern that a state court is threatening to imprison the entire leadership of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party (HCWP) for having committed "libel in a public place".

Our conviction is that putting political leaders on trial and banning their parties is the work of dictatorships, not democracies. The action of the Hungarian authorities violates all democratic norms.

We strongly condemn the political persecution directed by the judicial authorities against the HCWP, as a part of the anticommunist witch-hunt against communists in Europe and against all those who fight against mass privatisation of hospitals, schools, cutting down of social expenditures and other forms of neoliberal policy.

We consider this clear manoeuvre of the Hungarian authorities as a vengeful assault against the Hungarian Communists, and call on for international solidarity in defence of the legal and political rights of the HWCP.

We demand immediate stop of the judicial process against the leaders of the Hungarian communists.

We call upon Prime Minister Gyurcsany and the government of Hungary to step back from the abyss and keep its promises of political freedom, by cancelling all charges against the leadership of the HCWP.

The Parties

  1. Progressive Tribune Bahrein
  2. Communist Party of Belarus
  3. Communist Party of Brazil [PCdoB]
  4. Workers’ Party of Belgium
  5. Communist Party of Britain
  6. Communist Party of Bolivia
  7. Workers Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  8. New Communist Party of Britain
  9. Communist Party of Canada
  10. Communist Party of Cuba
  11. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic
  12. AKEL, Cyprus
  13. Communist Party of finland
  14. French Communist Party
  15. German Communist Party
  16. Communist Party of Greece
  17. Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party
  18. Communist Party of India [Marxist]
  19. Tudeh Party, Iran
  20. Iraqi Communist Party
  21. Communist Party of Ireland
  22. Communist Party of Israel
  23. Party of the Italian Communists, PdCI
  24. Jordanian Communist Party
  25. Socialist Party of Latvia
  26. Socialist Party of Lithuania
  27. Lebanese Communist Party
  28. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  29. Party of the Communists, Mexico
  30. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  31. Communist Party of Norway
  32. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  33. Peruan Communist Party
  34. Communist Party of Poland
  35. Portuguese Communist Party
  36. PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party
  37. Socialist Alliance Party, Romania
  38. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  39. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Serbia
  40. Communist Party of Slovakia
  41. Party of the Communists of Cataluna, Spain
  42. Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
  43. Sudanese Communist Party
  44. South African Communist Party
  45. Communist Party of Sweden
  46. Syrian Communist Party
  47. Communist Party of Turkey
  48. Party of Labour, Turkey [EMEP]

Wednesday, October 31, 2007