Lead story

No real change to the NHS bill

by Daphne Liddle

PRIME MINISTER David Cameron last Monday announced that the Government, after its well-publicised pause-for-thought, has accepted that large swathes of the NHS Bill need to be rewritten.

Read the full story here >> [ NHS bill ]

Syrian forces crackdown on rebel bands

by our Arab Affairs correspondent

THE SYRIAN army has regained control of an area near the Turkish border after last week’s clashes with sectarian rebels that claimed the lives of over 120 Syrian police and soldiers. Security, electricity, water and communications have been restored and the government has urged all those who fled to Turkey to escape the fighting to now return to their homes.

Read the full story here >> [ Syrian crackdown on rebels ]


Kicking the poor

LABOUR leader Ed Miliband last Monday issued a statement on future Labour policy and admitting Labour has made mistakes in the past. Then went on to show he’d missed the biggest mistakes (Iraq, Afghanistan, retaining nuclear weapons and so on) by saying the party had given the impression it was soft on the irresponsible people at the top of society — the bankers — (correct!) and the irresponsible at the bottom of society (not correct).

Read the full story here >> [ Kicking the poor ]