Lead story

We need homes not bubbles

by Daphne Liddle

THE AVERAGE price of a home in Britain has just reached a new record according to the Office for National Statistics. The average price of a house or flat in Britain is now £247,000, the highest figure since the index was first calculated in 1968.

Read the full story here >> [ We need homes not bubbles ]

Taxpayers cheated on Royal Mail price

THE COMMUNICATION Workers’ Union last week said that the taxpayer has lost out in the Government’s haste to sell Royal Mail.

Read the full story here >> [ Taxpayers cheated on Royal Mail price ]


De-Americanising the world

THE UNITED States seems to be poised on the brink of committing suicide as a global economic power but the fall-out threatens many other countries. After two weeks with no official government because the Republican-controlled Senate is refusing to pass the budget, which includes funding for a new comprehensive health insurance system referred to as Obamacare, a deadline is fast approaching for the US to raise its total debt ceiling. And it cannot do this without a government. If it does not it will default on its massive loans and send the global capitalist economy into chaos.

Read the full story here >> [ De-Americanising the world ]