The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 16th June 2017

Lead story

May must go!

by Daphne Liddle

THE ELECTION results are in; we have a hung parliament and Theresa May’s big gamble has turned into a fiasco for the Tories. The Tories remain the largest party in Parliament but they no longer have an overall majority.

Read the full story here >> May must go!

Election Special

LOSING 13 or 3.9 per cent of your parliamentary seats whilst increasing your popular vote by 5.5 per cent is a crushing defeat demanding the resignation of the leader. Losing 21 seats, or 37.5 per cent per cent and a similar percentage of your popular vote is a glorious victory. Such was the verdict of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on the performance of the Tories and Scottish National Party (SNP) respectively.

Read the full story here >> Election Special

Unions take undercutting fight to Copenhagen

MEMBERS of the unions Unite and GMB last Tuesday travelled to Copenhagen to protest outside the headquarters of the company PensionDanmark over ‘social dumping’ and the use of imported workers at two construction sites in Britain on low pay and conditions that undermine the terms negotiated by the unions.

Read the full story here >> Unions take undercutting fight to Copenhagen


Blairism is dead

JEREMY Corbyn technically did not win the general election, but as he entered the House of Commons for the first time after it he was welcomed with a standing ovation and chants of “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” from the whole Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP).

For many of them this is a huge shift from their attitude to him up until the election. On the night of the election itself Yvette Cooper was planning yet another challenge to Corbyn’s leadership of the party but within hours she had managed a volte-face and was offering to serve in his shadow cabinet.

Many of them have humbly admitted they got it wrong and are now pledging to work with him.

The hard-line dinosaurs like Hilary Benn, Peter Mandelson and of course Tony Blair have gone very quiet. They have worked tirelessly to try to undermine Jeremy Corbyn and his left-wing policies. They are out and out traitors to Labour and should be expelled.

Read the full editorial here >> Blairism is dead