The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 10th November 2017

Lead story

Paradise for the few hell for the masses

by Daphne Liddle

ONCE again, the secret offshore treasure troves of the rich and powerful have been hitting the headlines following a massive new leak from the ‘Paradise Papers’, which astound even hardened cynics with the extent of the wealth that is hidden to avoid paying fair taxes.

Read the full story here >> Paradise for the few hell for the masses

Thousands march over Balfour betrayal

THOUSANDS of supporters of Palestinian human rights marched through London last Saturday to mark the centenary of the Balfour declaration — a document that paved the way for the establishment of the state of Israel and the beginning of a genocidal war against the indigenous people of Palestine.

Read the full story here >> Thousands march over Balfour betrayal


Sexual harassment is a class issue

THE RIGHT-wing Christian journalist Peter Hitchens last week used his column in the Daily Mail to claim outrageously that those women who are “squawking” about sexual harassment are akin to “Militant Islamists” and that the logical conclusion of their demands would lead to all women wearing the niqab or the full burka as a defence against harassment.

This gives a glimpse into the minds of the spoiled brats of the male-dominated upper classes who squeal like toddlers when a chocolate treat they have taken is removed from their fingers. The toddlers have an excuse in that they simply do not yet understand that everything they see and like is not theirs to just take. Hitchen’s remarks remind us that the spoiled upper-class males have never been corrected in this belief. They still believe that anything, and anyone, they see and like is theirs for the taking, and that anyone who objects to being taken is being unfair to them and is a dangerous revolutionary subversive.

Read the full editorial here >> Sexual harassment is a class issue