Gold hammer and sickle

New Communist Party of Britain

Articles and features

Marxism-Leninism and the battle of ideas

12th July 2013The necessity of revolution

27th January 2012Capitalist crisis and class consciousness

Andy Brooks, NCP General Secretary, moves the Main Resolution at the 16th NCP Congress

The poisoned well a fascinating account of how western intelligence services penetrated the communist movement

The english revolution a pamphlet written by the communist historian A L Morton in 1948

Stalin -- a tribute to his life by NCP leader Andy Brooks to mark the 121th anniversary of Stalin's birth

Facing the future New Year 2002 speech by Andy Brooks

Marking may day speech by  Andy Brooks at the celebration at Marx House  in May 2002 organised by the NCPB and the RCPB(ML)

Communist call to all workers and peace-loving people joint statement on the Afghan crisis by the  NCP and the RCPB(ML)  November 2001

Andy Brooks intervention at the Athens confrence of Communist and Workers' Parties in 2004. Communists around the world must now rally

Andy Brooks intervention at the Athens confrence of Communist and Workers' Parties regarding the Labour Party and the Iraq war.

The communist experience with alliances and co-operation speech given by NCP leader Andy Brooks at the international meeting of communist and workers parties in Athens 23-25 June 2000

The  communist parties under the current conditions speech given by NCP leader Andy Brooks at the international meeting of communist and workers parties in Athens 22-24 May 1998

Oliver Cromwell and the good old cause an article  written by Andy Brooks in 1999 to mark 400th anniversary of the birth of Cromwell

A DELEGATION spent two weeks in People's China and held talks with the Communist Party of China, Chinese trade union leaders, academics and officials from local and municipal governments during a visit that included Beijing, Nanjing, Guizhou province and Shenzhen.

Interview with General Secretary Andy Brooks regarding the delegation to People's China.

A vision of a united ireland written by Theo Russell to mark the 200th anniversary of the 1798 United Irish Rising

Reviews from the pages of the New Worker

What we stand for a short summary of some of the policies of the new Communist Party of Britain

Following the recent EU and local government elections Elizabeth Farrell of the New Worker talks to New Communist Party General Secretary Andy Brooks about the present situation and the way forward.

The battle of ideas written by Andy Brooks in 1998

End the Blockade Against Iraq! Campaigning Labour MP George Galloway speaks to Andy Brooks

Capitalist crisis -- communist answer Eric Trevett looks at the challenges to the class in 2003.

Stalin -- architect of the first workers' state an appraisal by Alf Browne on the 50th anniversary of Stalin's death

Arab Liberation & the Communist Movement by Andy Brooks