The Weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain
Week commencing 12th May 2017

Lead story

Tories off the hook on election fraud

by Daphne Liddle

THE CROWN Prosecution Service (CPS) on Wednesday ruled that it would not be pursuing election fraud cases about the assignation of expenses for the activities of the Tory battle bus against 20 sitting Tory MPs.

Read the full story here >> Tories off the hook on election fraud

Anti-fascist wall of sound silences fascists in Croydon

by New Worker correspondent

LUNAR House in Croydon is the Home Office’s place where immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are required by law to go to register if they want to be allowed to remain in Britain. For this reason it has often been the target of racists and fascists who want to demonstrate their hatred for all immigrants and to lobby for a ban on immigration.

Read the full story here >> Anti-fascist wall of sound silences fascists in Croydon


The meaning of Victory Day

THIS WEEK millions of people throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union remembered the Soviet people who died in the struggle to defeat Nazi Germany in the Second World War.

Hitler and the Wehrmacht believed the Soviet Union would fall like a pack of cards under the hammer-blow of their legions. They expected the Soviet masses to welcome the Nazis with open arms as liberators. What they got was ferocious resistance.

The Red Army fought the Nazis to a standstill whilst hundreds of thousands of others joined the partisan units that harried the invaders regardless of the firing squads and the death camps. The Red Army prevailed, sweeping the Nazi hordes back to Berlin and total defeat.

Read the full editorial here >> The meaning of Victory Day