22nd December 2017Homelessness crisis. Empire of the leaky bottom boat. Christmas surprise job cuts. What we are fighting for.

15th December 2017We really do need to leave the EU. Human rights body to launch Grenfell fire inquiry. Trump declares war on the Arabs.

8th December 2017The Tories cannot govern. Paying for Syrian civil war. Irish border issue threatens Tory—DUP coalition and the peace process. Tory delusions.

1st December 2017Zimbabwe calm. 19 million in Britain living below poverty the line. Another step for peace.

24th November 2017Hammond’s miserable budget. Economic murder — austerity has killed 120,000 say academics. Zimbabwe at the crossroads.

17th November 2017Mugabe overthrown. Unite warns of Christmas ‘bread drought’. Communists celebrate 1917 in the homeland of the revolution. Fascists on the march in Poland.

10th November 2017Paradise for the few hell for the masses. Thousands march over Balfour betrayal. Sexual harassment is a class issue.

3rd November 2017Tories must drop Universal Credit. No new money in bogus “£85 billion rail plan”. Catalonia at the cross-roads.

27th October 2017Universal Credit could sink the Tories. DWP forced to name workfare bosses. NHS Troubles. Witch-hunt continues.

20th October 2017Syrian Arab Army continues advance! Save Our Seafarers — SOS2020. Balfour’s Day of Shame.

13th October 2017May must go - Tories must go. Post workers set to strike. Unequal Britain.

6th October 2017Tory fiasco conference. Workers accuse McDonald’s of serious safety failings. Catalonia stands up.

29th September 2017Labour ready for government. Cab drivers welcome TfL ban on Uber. Tories preparing to dump May.

22nd September 2017Battle lines drawn in Brighton. Tory divisions multiply. No to Sanctions! No to War!

15th September 2017Unions unite on pay and human rights. DPR Korea rejects illegal UN sanctions! In Memoriam Mike Hicks: 1937—2017. Remain illusions.

8th September 2017DPR Korea’s H-Bomb success. Birmingham council provokes new bin strike. Brexit blues and Labour woes.

1st September 2017DPR Korea will not be cowed. Bristol Mayor leads fight against cuts. The cheap lives of the poor.

25th August 2017US escalation in Afghanistan things can only get worse. McDonald’s workers are ready to strike. Stop the War in Afghanistan.

18th August 2017Venezuelans defy US imperialism. PCS fight to save Sheffield Jobcentre. Unity against fascism and racism.

11th August 2017Trump playing with fire over Korea. UNISON’s tribunal fees triumph defends access to law. The Winds of War. Another Blairite Trojan horse.

4th August 2017US diplomats get the boot in Russia. Black deaths fire anger against police. No Justice.

28th July 2017Syria on the road to victory! PCS launches ballot on pay. A battle still to be won.

7th July 2017100,000 march for pay justice. Forty Fighting Years! Crisis in Korea.

30th June 2017May in full retreat. Russia warns America over Syria. Grenfell victims demand justice!

23rd June 2017The Queen’s meagre speech. Force the Tories Out! The real face of imperialism in Syria.

16th June 2017May must go! Election Special. Blairism is dead. Unions take undercutting fight to Copenhagen.

9th June 2017Get ready for the next election. HSBC cleaners strike over job cuts. The real war against terror.

2nd June 2017Vote Labour to save NHS from instant sell-off. Teachers ready to quit.

26th May 2017Tory poll lead halved in a week. Pensioners condemn May’s ‘Frankenstein monster’ tax. The bomb attack in Manchester.

19th May 2017Corbyn draws the crowds. Nurses vote for strike ballot. Cruel cuts that cost more than they save.

12th May 2017Tories off the hook on election fraud. Anti-fascist wall of sound silences fascists in Croydon. The meaning of Victory Day.

5th May 2017Trump spits fire DPRK stands firm. ‘Seize the day’ McDonnell tells May Day Rally. Disasters for May as Corbyn gains ground.

28th April 2017Corbyn’s pledge to NHS staff. Jamais Le Pen, Never Again! Scottish TUC. Labour can win!

21st April 2017All out for a Corbyn victory. Theresa May’s election desperation. Scottish council workers ballot for strike action.

14th April 2017Beware of ‘False Flags’. Storm clouds over the world. 900 carers quit every day.

7th April 2017More fake news from NATO. Anti-fascists hold the line in Westminster. Labour and the local elections.

31st March 2017NHS workers 1 per cent pay blow. Half of extra NHS funding went to private sector. Terror and hypocrisy in Britain...and in Iraq.

24th March 2017Syria holds the line against terror. The key to Labour victory. Standing up to racism in London, Cardiff and Glasgow.

17th March 2017DWP suicide questions put mentally ill in despair. Northern and Merseyrail workers join the fight to keep guards on the train. The Neverendum. Zionists bar Palestinian rights activist.

10th March 2017The complacent budget. 250,000 march to save NHS. Managing the news.

3rd March 2017Disabled to be sacrificed. Ealing people turn out to save their hospital. Scottish Labour at Perth. Half a loaf...

24th February 201730,000 deaths and now more NHS cuts. ASLEF drivers reject their leaders’ sell-out deal. The spectre of social fascism.

17th February 2017Poverty knocks. May reneges on promise to child refugees. Amnesty sings the imperialist tune. A triumph for Loach.

10th February 2017RMT dismay at TUC/ASLEF sell-out. BA cabin crews on strike. A less than radical budget. Justice for Palestine.

3rd February 2017Syrian forces hammer rebels on all fronts. MPs say refugee housing is ‘shameful’. Trump not welcome in Britain.

27th January 2017Trump divides the US and the world. Clamour for inquiry over Trident missile that went the wrong way.

20th January 2017May’s Brexit hash. Momentum between the devil and the deep blue sea. Welsh ministers to opt out of anti-union law.

13th January 2017Rail unions fight for safety. Red Cross declares humanitarian crisis in NHS. Zionism — the servant of imperialism.

New Communist Party